"Black Vote Gains Cited in South" article about the registration of new Black voters by the VEP helped with the election of Black leaders
Article entitled "The Black Vote in Danger" by Vernon Jordan published in the Inner City Citizenship...
"New Black Officeholders to Learn From Veterans" article about the growing amount of African America...
"Blacks Hold 87 Offices As Executives of Cities" article on The Society of Black Office Holders and ...
"South Rises On 6 Million Black Votes" article on Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign wa...
"Black Voters Prove Their Clout" article on Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign was due ...
"Black Vote Brings 'Revolution' in Mississippi" report on the increase of Black voters in Mississipp...
"Black Vote in Boston Rises, Slowly" article on the increase of the Black vote in Boston and the res...
"Negro Throngs Register" article on a large rise of Black voters in southern counties in Alabama, Mi...
"Fear in South, Vote Potential of the Negro" article on the potential ousting of White politicians d...
"Wallace Could Get Black Votes" article on how Black segregationists could boost Wallace to the thir...
"What the Voting Rights Bill Has Done" infographic on the increase of non-white voters in the south
Article entitled "Southwest Negroes launch voter drive" describing the initial plans to roganize a v...
"Elections, The Real Black Power" Time Magazine article on the increasing of Blacks holding politica...
"Black Vote May Have Put Ohio in Carter Country" article noting the voting turnout in Ohio may be fl...
"Black Teens Say it Will Pay to Register" article about Black teenagers registering to vote for the ...
Article entitled "The Black Vote in Danger" by Vernon Jordan published in the Inner City Citizenship...
"New Black Officeholders to Learn From Veterans" article about the growing amount of African America...
"Blacks Hold 87 Offices As Executives of Cities" article on The Society of Black Office Holders and ...
"South Rises On 6 Million Black Votes" article on Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign wa...
"Black Voters Prove Their Clout" article on Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign was due ...
"Black Vote Brings 'Revolution' in Mississippi" report on the increase of Black voters in Mississipp...
"Black Vote in Boston Rises, Slowly" article on the increase of the Black vote in Boston and the res...
"Negro Throngs Register" article on a large rise of Black voters in southern counties in Alabama, Mi...
"Fear in South, Vote Potential of the Negro" article on the potential ousting of White politicians d...
"Wallace Could Get Black Votes" article on how Black segregationists could boost Wallace to the thir...
"What the Voting Rights Bill Has Done" infographic on the increase of non-white voters in the south
Article entitled "Southwest Negroes launch voter drive" describing the initial plans to roganize a v...
"Elections, The Real Black Power" Time Magazine article on the increasing of Blacks holding politica...
"Black Vote May Have Put Ohio in Carter Country" article noting the voting turnout in Ohio may be fl...
"Black Teens Say it Will Pay to Register" article about Black teenagers registering to vote for the ...
Article entitled "The Black Vote in Danger" by Vernon Jordan published in the Inner City Citizenship...
"New Black Officeholders to Learn From Veterans" article about the growing amount of African America...
"Blacks Hold 87 Offices As Executives of Cities" article on The Society of Black Office Holders and ...